The term minimalism as a concept or design style house in the middle of bloom are used in our society, especially since around the 1990s. Although the basic concept of minimalism has emerged due to revolsi understands the industry and the rise of modernism in the history of architecture and developing since the 1920s after the birth of International Style architectural style that carries the theme of Functionalism (fungcional), clarity (clarity) and simplicity (simplicity). One movement imitation and repetition of the rejection of old forms and the use of classical ornamentation which is deemed excessive periods, additional non-structural, and just really did not give any meaning in architecture. On the other hand, voiced the reality of technological progress in the process of design, construction and building structures that provide convenience, accuracy and efficiency.
People who loudly voicing the modern architect of this movement include the Berlage in Holland, Peer Behrens in Germany, Louis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright and Ludwig Mies van de Rohe's famous in America with his statement that beauty in architecture is its simplicity Less is more, Le Corbusier of France's famous Le system with its modular, single loop design concept with the approach of building units for ease of preparation of the functional standards and modulation systems and structures that enable the development speed of construction system with prefabricated building materials and Adolf Loos in England which keep hatred on ornamentation and viewed only as a form of fear of the void space (horror vacui). The famous statement is the ornament is crime.
In Indonesia, minimalist architecture growing rapidly through the Young Indonesian Architects group due to technical mastery of design presentations via computer technology tools. One important breakthrough in the field of grain picture of the practical and real. System module, the accuracy of dimensions, color choices, lighting and textures are available in such a manner by which information technology is growing. Present architectural designs through the choice of reference configurations that have been provided with the information technology cepat.Secara substantive minimalism is a form of selection decisions in the design of buildings due to cultural intervention as a way of thinking, activity and lifestyle. An outlook that reflects the lifestyle of today's society that tends to fast, practical, efficient and effective in various fields. This also can be seen in the pattern of eating, clothing, communications and so forth. Economic law that emphasizes the business as little as possible to achieve the maximum is an important cornerstone in a minimalist lifestyle. The view adopted is who he can be quick and time is money. No more jargon-Alon Alon Java community waton kelakon (home quietly reached) or slow let me home safely. Because each activity is measured and achievement-oriented life at the time, competition and limited resources and energy. The delay was the beginning of defeat.
The concept of minimalism in architecture is an aesthetic approach that emphasizes the things that are essential both in aesthetic and functional spatial, and structural shapes. Spatially specific spaces arranged in such a way as to have a high level of flexibility and convenience in ketersusunan function. Elementary geometric forms that practically no ornamentation is the main character that dominates the surface and the mass of the building. Innovation of various materials such as steel, concrete, and glass, standardization and efficiency technologies provide new challenges in the design world. The principle is the more simple, the quality of a design, function space, and the settlement system of the structure will be getting better. Is the minimum value of the aesthetic purpose as well as itself. Continuity of design since the idea of determining a straight line, plane and meeting all the elbow perpendicular field, the construction of volumetric and mass composition, honesty of materials, processing of light and air, looping module, circulation, concise, and sequential multi-function space and the clarity of the structural system is the main feature of the concept minimalist architecture.
Minimalism also looked at the attitudes and behavior of the designer in the argument, recognizing and guiding clients to realize and berseda reduce the variety of needs that are not important. Only the essential functions be maintained so that the building is called minimalist because the result of a process to get the room really exploited. Minimalism is not displayed just the final destination shape but also the success in purifying the function itself.
Minimalist architecture is an expression of contemporary urban society through a competitive way of living an honest, practical and totally simple.
Architecture itself is influenced by the geometry, where geometry is that binding rules on the forms of architecture itself
Geometry is a rationale for going to form, starting from the existing forms in nature to form an architecture. But if every form in architecture and consist of the elements of geometry? To be able to answer these questions, then better known in advance what it is called geometry. According to the World Book Encyclopedia, the geometry is defined as follows:
"Geometry is a branch of mathematics. It involves Studying the shape, size, and position of geometric figures. These figures include plane (flat) figures, Standard and Poor 'triangles and rectangles, and solid (three-dimensional) figures, Standard and Poor' Cubes and spheres "(The World Book Encyclopedia, 1993)
In that definition, explained that the geometry is a mathematical science that is closely related to the shape, size, and posisian. This definition is very broad, so that with just based on this definition, each shape can be categorized as a geometry and also consists of the element geometry. Josef Muller-Brockman explained that in geometry: "The proportions of the formal elements and on their intermediate spaces are Almost always related to certain numerical progressions logically followed out" (Elam, 2001: 5).
Traditional architecture
[Or architectural folk / folk architecture]
who is close with architectural tradition alive and procedures of each local culture.
mas like at say, the character of architectural regionalism eg java, bali, papua, etc ...
Vernacular architecture
vernacular architecture is a generalized way of design derived from Folk
Architecture, it uses design skills of Architects to develop Folk Architecture. -Bruce allsopp. a modern theory of architecture.london, 1977
the role of vernacular architecture is becoming more important because this architecture
is part of the trail that records the history of the lifestyle and heritage
cultural society. -David pearson. earth to spirit.london, 1994
so, it berlandasakan vernacular architecture in the national culture, which will display a form of modern msyarakat but distinctive personality.
Postmodern architecture
Charles Jencks, [in his book The Languange of post-modern architecture] mentions 3 reasons for the emergence of postmodernism is gw ga ,...[ remember exactly, lo kudu search for the book then read yag .. maap], which roughly states that:
-Existence of sophisticated technological factors giving rise to mass production and mass repetition of this ---
characteristic of modernism.
-There is a tendency to revert to a traditional or local value2 --- TRENDS
people turn round again.
then, that postmodern architecture is a blending of traditional and non-value2 traditional, modern mix half and half nonmodern, combined old and new elements --- integration of two variant [hybrid].
Also read his journal kindness sukada: analysis of the formal composition of architectural post-modern.1988, he mentioned 10 features of postmodern architecture. one of them is postmodern architecture contains unsur2 communicative locally or popular